The Staff

Where necessary, the members of the firm work in teams in collaboration with colleagues or specialists from other areas of the firm with different skills (for example lawyers, notaries, engineers, architects, labour consultants, valuers, surveyors and IT specialists). The teams are highly flexible and assembled according to the client’s specific requirements so as to guarantee the best possible outcome.
While all partners and employees contribute to the added value of the firm with their high levels of proven experience, here are the profiles of the firm’s two owners.

Stefano Tonelli

Founder and joint owner of the firm.
A certified public accountant on the register of Professional Accountants and Auditors by the jurisdiction of the Court of Bologna, registration number Albo 706/A (Sez. A), dated 09/06/1987.
Statutory auditor, registered number 57993 under Ministerial Decree dated 12/04/1995; previous experience also with auditors Arthur Andersen.
President of the IT and Computer Commission of the Register of Professional Accountants of Bologna from 2001 to 2007 before the organisation was disbanded by amalgamation of the Register of Professional Accountants with the Chamber of Accountants.
Degree in Economics and Business from the University of Bologna scoring 110/110.
Technical consultant.
Organiser and speaker on ICT at many conventions.
Currently auditor of several limited companies and cooperative societies, including a local cooperative bank, and member of the Supervisory Board on the responsibilities of legal persons.
Areas of specialisation: IT and communications technology; assistance with the operation of corporate organs such as the board of directors and shareholders’ meetings; extraordinary activities (capital increases, divisions, mergers and acquisitions); implementation of models for organisation, management and control under Legislative Decree 231/01 on corporate administrative responsibility.

Language skills: Italian mother tongue, good knowledge of English and French.

Luigi Gozzo

Joint owner of the firm.
A certified public accountant on the register of Professional Accountants and Auditors by the jurisdiction of the Court of Bologna, registration number Albo 1621/A (Sez. A), dated 16/07/1998.
Statutory auditor, registered number 83298 under Ministerial Decree dated 27/07/1999.
Degree in Economics and Business from the University of Pisa.
Currently statutory auditor and member of the Board of Statutory Auditors for limited companies.
President of the Supervisory Board of companies operating in the service sector.
Head of financial accounting and budgets at the National Confederation of Artisans (CNA) in Sarzana (SP) and also head of the services department (finance, accounting, budgets and wages) with supervisory responsibility for about 11 employees.
Areas of specialisation: consultancy in accounting, corporate matters, contracts, finance and administration; preparation of balance sheets and reports for limited companies; financial declarations; corporate contracts; Community and foreign VAT; formation of financial delegations; experience with foreign trusts; management of dealings and relations with public bodies (Revenue Commissioners and tax offices, Companies Register, Chamber of Commerce, local bodies etc.)

Language skills: Italian mother tongue, basic English.




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